NC Divorce

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Experts at NC Divorce Law

Legally ending a marriage through a divorce can seem like a headache. There may be heartache, cheating, hostility, coercion, or a combination of these issues between you and your spouse that leads one of you to the thought of divorcing one another. Whatever the case may be, Owens, Nelson, Owens & Murad, P.L.L.C is here for you. We are experts at NC divorce law. 

Our attorneys have been working in family law for 60 years. If you need help getting an NC divorce, an attorney at Owens, Nelson, Owens & Murad, P.L.L.C. can represent you throughout the case. Consult and hire one of our attorneys to have your marriage dissolved. Our goal is to make your divorce case as simple and as quick as possible. We will thoroughly walk you through the whole process from start to finish.

Cordell Cordell, A Domestic Litigation Firm, says that in North Carolina divorce can be obtained so long as a married couple has been separated a year and one of the parties has been a resident of North Carolina for six months prior to filing the action. NC 

Thinking of Divorce

We will meet with you to discuss what to expect.  The following are things to consider when you are thinking of divorce:nc divorce

  • What documents are necessary
  • What questions may arise
  • North Carolina family law
  • North Carolina laws on divorce
  • Grounds for divorce
  • Settlement process and distribution
  • Alimony,
  • Prenuptials,
  • Child support
  • Child custody
  • Parental visitation, among other things

We will help you file an Absolute Divorce action with the court. We will advise if you pursue any viable claims. Hire one of our NC divorce attorneys and we will guide and represent you until the close of your case. A divorce is finalized when the judge signs the Divorce Judgement.  We will give you valuable and insightful information on divorces in North Carolina and review many and review all aspects with you.

Specifics of NC Divorce Law

There are several facts distinct to divorce in North Carolina when compared to other states. First, it doesn’t matter if your spouse does not want the divorce. Consent by both parties is not necessary for North Carolina. Second, North Carolina is an equitable division state. This means each spouse owns what income he/she has earned during the marriage. He/she manages any property in his/ her name alone. At a divorce hearing, the marital property may be divided otherwise, based on what the judge finds to be fair. This division may or may not be equal. Third, assert a claim of alimony, equitable distribution, support, or custody before the Judgement of Divorce is granted to preserve these claims. Once the judge signs the divorce and it is final you will be barred from bringing these claims up in the future. Fourth, you must have a completed summons and a completed and verified complaint filed with the Clerk of Court. Lastly, how a divorce is granted and whether you must go to court varies county by county in North Carolina. Live testimony and court appearance may be required.

We Are Here To Help

If you are divorcing your spouse, feel free to give us a call at 252-757-3300 or come by our office at 201 W. Third Street, Greenville, NC 27834. Don’t wait, we are ready to help. Our law office is located near both the state and federal courthouses in Greenville.


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