Help With A DWI
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Don’t drink and drive. Avoid a DWI.
Getting charged with Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) is a serious offense. A DWI can result in jail time, court costs, higher auto insurance rates, and revocation of your driver’s license.
The legal definition describes Driving While Intoxicated as the criminal law offense of operating a vehicle after having drunk an amount of alcohol sufficient to raise one’s blood alcohol content above a legal limit. It is commonly referred to by the acronym DWI.
NC Law
In North Carolina, it is illegal to drive a vehicle while noticeably impaired or with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or higher.
The North Carolina Department of Public Safety outlines the five different levels of misdemeanor Driving While Intoxicated, with Level I as the most serious offense and Level V as the least.
As mentioned above, Level V is the least serious of the five levels of offense. With a Level V, you may have to pay up to $200 in fines and serve a minimum 24-hour jail sentence. The maximum is 60 days. Each level determines the amount of the fine and jail sentence time. Level II will have fines higher than a Level III and so forth.
If you are a repeat offender, have a revoked license, or were pulled over while driving impaired, you are a Level I or II. A Level I DWI is punishable by a fine of up to $4,000 and a minimum 30-day jail sentence, which a judge cannot suspend. The maximum sentence is two years. Speak with one of our lawyers today to learn more about the process of completing a substance abuse assessment. You can also get advice on recommended treatment to have your license restored.
You may be considered a habitual DWI offender if you have had three prior DWI convictions within the past seven years. Because of the repeat convictions, the DWI is considered a felony. Punishment for a felony DWI is more severe than a misdemeanor. Minimum jail term of one year is required. The judge cannot suspend the sentence. While in jail or on parole, the offender must complete a substance abuse program according to NCDPS.
Here To Help
At Owens and Nelson, we will represent you if you are facing legal charges for a DWI. We will help you through every step the case, from getting you a lesser sentence to license reinstatement.
Call us today to set up an appointment and discuss your case.
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